'Ridiculously Un-American!' Feds target Mama Grizzlies
For daring to confront the FCPS school board and rally parents, Stacy Langton and fellow Mama Grizzlies were apparently the first to come under watchful eye of federal law enforcement.
Following the explosive September 23rd board meeting where Stacy exposed porn in school libraries, parents came out in droves two weeks later to support of her efforts at the next meeting. That's around the time the colluding Merrick Garland and the National School Board Association (NSBA) issued statements painting concerned parents as "domestic terrorists."
As result, the newly formed local and federal law enforcment joint task force were waiting to spring into action at the next rally.
The NY Post tells the rest of the story...
A DHS police officer rolled up parking his car in the middle of traffic and hopped out to question those scary parents.
And topping things off, there was a helicopter overhead.