Mainstream Media: Mama Grizzlies Prove Decisive in Virginia Election
The New York Times attempted to misdirect by claiming the fight was over Toni Morrison's 'Beloved'... but that was 2013.
The mainstream media had concocted this narrative because they could not honestly inform voters without risking the election for Democrats. It would spell disaster if parents learned about the so-called "award winning" books 'Gender Queer' and 'Lawn Boy.' But the damage was already done...
Those were the two books Stacy Langton and Adrienne Henzel exposed and precisely the same ones Glenn Youngkin was referring to during a debate when he put Terry McAullife on the defensive. Terry responded with an epic gaffe, "Parents shouldn't be telling teachers how to teach." Whoops...
But local reporter Heather Zwicker of The Fairfax Times told voters the truth.
And the liberal outfit, Mother Jones, (surprisingly) covered it more accurately in their post-election analysis. You can bet Democrats this will be discussed in their secret campaign autopsy report in preparation for the 2022 election cycle.